Terms and privacy
The owner and caretaker is Doctrina d.o.o., a company based at Dalmatinova 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. The User of the website is anyone who visits any part of the website doctrina.biz (user).
1. Definitions
The owner and administrator (hereinafter “Administrator”) of the website doctrina.biz and all its contents is Doctrina d.o.o., Dalmatinova 2, Ljubljana. The user of the website is anybody who visits any webpage of Doctrina’s website (hereinafter “User”).
2. User registration
Each User must register to use the website. To do that, the User must enter genuine data. Impersonation of another person is a criminal offence. We collect the following categories of Personal Data about you when you use or otherwise interact with our Products:
- Name and surname
- Title
- Occupation
- Email address
- Home/work/mobile telephone number
- Employer institution
3. User generated content
The website allows Users to publish training courses, related video and other files and content, and post comments (hereinafter “User Generated Content”). The required language of User Generated Content is English. The User is committed to provide User Generated Content that is a true and lawful. The Administrator is not responsible for User Generated Content, published on this website. The User owns and is responsible for content they publish. Nevertheless, the Administrator reserves the right to delete or edit User Generated Content, when it is considered, in its sole discretion, to violate the law, or is otherwise unacceptable. By posting User Generated Content, the User agrees to display it on the Website alongside any related promotional content. The User agrees to notify the Administrator of a possible infringement of posting User Generated Content.
4. Personal Data Protection and Protection of User Generated Content
The Administrator is obliged to obey the provisions of Slovenian Personal Data Law. Personal data, obtained during the User’s registration, are protected and will not be disclosed to third parties without User’s written consent.
Personal data are being processed by Doctrina for purposes required for using the Doctrina website and participation in the training courses. User has the right to access, alter or delete his personal data at any time.
All User Generated Content is strictly protected and inaccessible to third parties, except in the case of written consent of the User. User Generated Content is aimed at healthcare professionals and accessible exclusively to people who have signed up to Doctrina education.
Administrator collects and/or processes User’s personal data in connection with these activities which are related to Doctrina’s products:
- Account registration
- Use of certain product features
- Informing users about professional and health-related content and events
- Generating reports based on information collected from use of our products
- Requesting service and support for our products and providing such support
- Registering to attend a webinar
- Participating in an online survey
5. User Support
The Administrator will provide to all Users professional website usage and support, during working hours. If the User has any question or problem related to the use of the Website, he/she should email info@doctrina.biz.
6. Copyright Protection
All content on the Website, except User Generated Content, is owned by the Administrator and is thereby protected by copyright laws. Copyrighted content includes graphic image and all graphic elements of the Website. Any unauthorised copying and publishing of content on other websites or portals is prohibited, except with the written permission of the Administrator.
7. Limitation of Liability
The User agrees not to use the Website for illegal purposes or purposes that may harm the Website or the Administrator. It is also not allowed to disable or impede the use of the Website to other Users. The Administrator is not responsible for the accuracy and currency of information published by the User and does not accept responsibility for the actions the User takes based on the published data. The Administrator is not responsible for any damage that might result from possible technical problems or other disorders of the Website. The Website contains links to third-party websites. The Administrator cannot accept responsibility for the privacy practices and content on these sites.
8. Acceptance of Terms
The user confirms that he/she has read and accepted these Terms of Use.
9. Change of Terms of Use
The Administrator reserves the right to change the Terms of Use. At each change, the date at the bottom of this document will be changed accordingly.
10. Settlement of Disputes
Parties shall use their reasonable best efforts to reach an amicable settlement. Any and all disputes, controversies or differences which cannot be settled amicably within forty-five (45) days from the date on which dispute arose, shall be settled by the Slovenian Courts, depending on court competence.